Sunday, May 17, 2009

13 Weeks

So my entry into my second trimester has been rough to say the least. First a massive stomach bug which resulted in a trip to the ER. Then a cough that won't go away. So I go to my regularly scheduled appointment on Thursday and I had a fever of 102 and didn't know it. Which resulted in yet another day off work and three days doctor-mandated bed rest. So the past three days have been in bed, sleeping for the most part. Didn't know I could sleep that much. But I am feeling somewhat better.

On a better note...I am going to San Antonio!! Woo hoo! I am sooo looking forward to seeing friends and shopping! Plus...I have THE list of all lists for where I want to eat while there. Is it bad I am looking forward to eating almost as much as I look forward to Christmas? Nah.

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